
Document use cases

Colin-b opened this issue · 3 comments

Definition of the REST API

  1. I have a REST API with an OpenAPI definition available.
    a. The definition is accessible via an URL.
    b. The definition is a JSON file.
  2. I have a REST API without an OpenAPI definition.

How to access this REST API

  1. I want to access it via Microsoft Excel.
    a. I want to access it via Microsoft Excel functions in workbooks.
    b. I want to access it via Microsoft Excel VBA.
  2. I want to access it via Python functions.

The documentation is starting to get really huge, and need more structure. Might be time to consider switching to readthedoc ?

Also document the configuration using screenshots of how to do it using UI

Link to the documentation on formulas on Microsoft side, to make sure users can know the difference. Also provide sample of a formula call in each category