Document use cases
Colin-b opened this issue · 3 comments
Colin-b commented
Definition of the REST API
- I have a REST API with an OpenAPI definition available.
a. The definition is accessible via an URL.
b. The definition is a JSON file. - I have a REST API without an OpenAPI definition.
How to access this REST API
- I want to access it via Microsoft Excel.
a. I want to access it via Microsoft Excel functions in workbooks.
b. I want to access it via Microsoft Excel VBA. - I want to access it via Python functions.
Colin-b commented
The documentation is starting to get really huge, and need more structure. Might be time to consider switching to readthedoc ?
Colin-b commented
Also document the configuration using screenshots of how to do it using UI
Colin-b commented
Link to the documentation on formulas on Microsoft side, to make sure users can know the difference. Also provide sample of a formula call in each category