
Start from within RStudio

WurmPeter opened this issue · 0 comments


Great to see your attempt to give shiny multiple web pages :)

I created a shiny app in RStudio and put in the code from your "Minimal {brochure} App".
Then I was able to click on the "run App"-Button and the brochure minimal app opened in a new window.

But if I close RStudio and reopen the file, RStudio doesn't recognise it as a shiny app anymore. The button "run App" changed to "Source". Clicking on it doesn't open a browser window.

I can only start the brochure app from within RStudio console via shiny::runApp(). Is this the only way to start a brochure app?

When I place shiny::runApp() at the end of my brochure app, I get an error (error message: Error: C stack usage 7976484 is too close to the limit)