
Doesn't work on overlay cameras - in game view (works in scene view)

wheee opened this issue · 2 comments

wheee commented

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Setup cubes + decal textures as per instructions in the "default layer"
  2. Have a main camera with a culling mask that doesn't include the "default layer"
  3. Setup an overlay camera with a culling mask with the "default layer"
  4. Add overlay camera to main camera
  5. Press play and note that while the Scene view shows the decal, the game view does not.

Change the overlay camera to be a base camera, and the decal shows up.

On 2020.2.7f1 (also older versions... I actually upgraded to the latest 2020.2 version to see if it would help)

Yeah I have this too - did you find a fix ?
I have to use the overlay camera as my scene is depthMatted masked in front of the main camera in a Vuforia build, so I don't have an alternative.

Hi @wheee @kingbaggot
Make sure to tick "Depth Texture" in the URP Universal Render Pipeline Asset:
