
getting lots of errors on latest wotlk patch

Opened this issue · 3 comments

218x SortGroup/SortGroup.lua:237: attempt to index global 'EditModeManagerFrame' (a nil value)
[string "@SortGroup/SortGroup.lua"]:237: in function <SortGroup/SortGroup.lua:236>
[string "@SortGroup/SortGroup.lua"]:252: in function <SortGroup/SortGroup.lua:249>
[string "@SortGroup/SortGroup.lua"]:562: in function <SortGroup/SortGroup.lua:539>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index global 'EditModeManagerFrame' (a nil value)"
internValues_DB =

showChatMessages = true
firstLoad = false
savedValues_DB =
Profile = "ARENAS"
BottomAscending = false
ShowGroupMembersInCombat = false
Bottom = false
TopAscending = true
RaidProfileBlockInCombat = true
AlwaysActive = true
AutoActivate = true
Top = true
MiddleParty1Top = false
TopDescending = false
ChatMessagesOn = true
VisibilityInCombat = true
MiddleParty2Top = false
Middle = false
BottomDescending = false
ColorText = defined @SortGroup/SortGroup.lua:66
L =
SortGroup_sort_top_ascending_output = "SortGroup: Active with - Top, Ascending"
SortGroup_sort_no_output = "SortGroup: Sort function isn't active"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Descending_ToolTip = "Party 1-4 are sorted descending"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Top_ToolTip = "You are on top of your Group"
SortGroup_Main_cb_ChatMessagesOn_ToolTip = "Chat Messages on/off"
SortGroup_Option_cb_ChatMessagesOn_Text = "Chat messages"
SortGroup_no_raid_style_frames = "SortGroup: Please enable "Use Raid-Style Party Frames" in the Edit Mode"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Bottom_ToolTip = "You are on bottom of your Group"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Ascending_Text = "Ascending"
SortGroup_sort_bottom_descending_output = "SortGroup: Active with - Bottom, Descending"
SortGroup_enter_editMode = "SortGroup: Please reload your UI"
SortGroup_in_combat_options_output = "SortGroup: Leave combat to change options"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Top_Text = "Player on Top"
SortGroup_sort_top_descending_output = "SortGroup: Active with - Top, Descending"
SortGroup_sort_chat_Messages_On_output = "SortGroup: Chat Messages are on"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Middle_ToolTip = "[Experimental]
You are in the middle of your Group

This option makes only sense in an arena environment"
SortGroup_sort_top_party2_output = "SortGroup: Active sorted with - Party2, top"
SortGroup_sort_bottom_ascending_output = "SortGroup: Active with - Bottom, Ascending"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Party2Top_Text = "Party2 on Top"
SortGroup_sort_top_party1_output = "SortGroup: Active with - Party1, top"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Party2Top_ToolTip = "Party2 is on top and Party1 is on the bottom of your group"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Ascending_ToolTip = "Party 1-4 are sorted ascending"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Party1Top_Text = "Party1 on Top"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Bottom_Text = "Player on Bottom"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Party1Top_ToolTip = "Party1 is on top and Party2 is on the bottom of your group"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Middle_Text = "Player in the Middle"
SortGroup_Main_cb_Descending_Text = "Descending"

Groups dont seem to be getting sorted when in arenas

The error suggests you are using the retail version. If so, could you try using the _classic version and see if this works for you?

i dont see a _classic version

ive tried a few of the older versions and none seem to work