Terramart Shipments does not recognize the new foods
Opened this issue · 4 comments
It offers zero pixels for them, like it does for non-food items.
Give me a few examples.
Here's a "Burger - Cheese", "Ketchup", "Maki - Kappa" and "Cooking Oil" with a total offer of zero pixels:
The price on Ketchup is 188.51, something likely changed with how the game views prices on items. Maybe that shop no longer accepts being sold food items. (Or in the case of Ketchup, liquids)
I checked the scripts for Terramart Shipments (a.k.a. cropshipper) and it has a list of accepted item names. The foods, seeds and possible other applicable objects from this mod need to be added to the list with a patch. If an item is not found in the list, it's valued at zero pixels.