Logo image blurry on mobile
Closed this issue · 7 comments
The logo image displays blurry on mobile.
Please find more information about this in this thread https://colorlib.com/wp/forums/topic/logo-image-blurry-on-mobile/
@vinoddalvi - have you also tested this? can you confirm it's also happening at your end?
later edit: just finished reading the support forum thread, seems to be only happening with Samsung Mobile Phones. I'm guessing the user might be using the Samsung / default Android browser. Could you please find out @vinoddalvi ?
I tested the demo site on: https://colorlib.com/activello/ with Chrome, Android 8.0 and it looks absolutely fine.
@cristianraiber I have tested the issue but couldn’t confirm the issue.
The user is displaying the issue in her shared screenshots so wanted to contact you if you have any idea of this issue.
Yes the user has said that it's happening with Samsung Mobile Phones and i have asked her about which browser she is using.
@vinoddalvi - Thank you! We need to single out the usage of a less popular browser, like the (now defunct) Android browser ...
Sure. I will update here after getting user reply.
@vinoddalvi - Thank you!
@vinoddalvi - any update on this?
Closing because @vinoddalvi never provided an answer to this.
cc @puikinsh
If the issue re-surfaces, please comment here so I can re-open and investigate this issue.