
Import StateTransitionGraphs from DOT

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Since ComPWA/expertsystem#454 it's not possible anymore to cache a recipe to disk (apart from using pickle). This would be mitigated a bit if it's possible to write and read the output of the reaction module (StateTransitionGraphs) to and from disk: generating the transitions takes most time.

ComPWA/expertsystem#519 already provides what is needed, so we could consider closing that.
If desired though, it is possible to implement a fromdot method with pydot and networkx, but they would have to be added to the package dependencies.

I'll leave this issue open, because it may be combined with #5 (which would probably require networkx).

See also #49, because networkx has its own readers/writers for DOT language (possibly combined with pydot, which does import/output for DOT).