
Only record data that crosses a threshold

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Requested by Nick:

It would be great if I could set a frequency and signal threshold, click the Sniff button and have PandwaRF only record data that crosses that threshold, and maybe split it into multiple files (e.g. start recording when the signal crosses the threshold and for a user defined number of seconds after that, and save that as a file, and then start the sniffing loop again waiting for another signal that crosses the threshold).

In this case you could have it sniffing for long periods of time but instead of recording "noise", only record "strong enough" signals which might be what you are looking for (i.e. rf remote key press etc.). I am doing this with Gnuradio (with hackrf & limesdr), using the "power threshold" block.

Since CC1111 release 1.1.10 - 12 Sept 2019, PandwaRF captures only data that has a 10 dB increase in RSSI value compared to previous sample.