
Pose Detection using OpenCV

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Detect human pose using opencv

I would like to take this up!! @DARK-art108

I am GSSoC'21 participant. I want to work on this issue.
I have worked with opencv, I can raise the PR on the same day of issue assignment.
Will you please assign this to me?

Detect human pose using opencv

@DARK-art108 @rajpratyush @Rishikeshrajrxl

@ainy-123 since @noviicee did not commented after 3 days. You can take up the issue

@ainy-123 since @noviicee did not commented after 3 days. You can take up the issue

What did I need to comment?
I already asked if I could take it up and was waiting for it to get assigned. @rajpratyush

@ainy-123 since @noviicee did not commented after 3 days. You can take up the issue

thanks for assigning.

@ainy-123 since @noviicee did not commented after 3 days. You can take up the issue

thanks for assigning.

I guess there has been a confusion regarding this issue so I request you to wait until the confusion is sorted out :)

sorry for this confusion @ainy-123 would you like up this issue instead #102

sorry for this confusion @ainy-123 would you like up this issue instead #102

okay. No issues. I will work on #102 .