
[Feature Request]: change Ctrl+Shift+Drag to select addition node

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What would your feature do ?

Current: Ctrl + Shift + Drag is zooming screen
Request: Ctl + Shift + Drag to select additional nodes

Currently, select additional nodes is also possible with Ctrl + Drag then Shift,
But it is easy to mistake.

Zooming is also possible with wheel, also it is not has to be Ctrl+ Shift.
Alt + Drag is moving screen, so zooming can be changed to Alt + (Shift or Ctlr) + Drag.

Proposed workflow

  1. Ctrl + Drag (or Ctrl + Shift + Drag) to select multiple node.
  2. Ctrl + Shift Drag to select addition node.

Additional information

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What do you mean by select additional node? If you want to select multiple nodes, you can hold Ctrl and click multiple nodes to select them all.

What do you mean by select additional node? If you want to select multiple nodes, you can hold Ctrl and click multiple nodes to select them all.

Or you can Ctrl + Drag empty area to select multiple nodes in dragged area.
I much prefer this method than Ctrl + Click node.

And I wish Ctrl + Shift + Drag also do as current Ctrl + Drag then keep pressing Shift behaviour.

Just to make sure you are proposing we give an option to turn off the behavior of Shift-Ctrl-drag and replace it with the current Ctrl+drag behavior?

Just to make sure you are proposing we give an option to turn off the behavior of Shift-Ctrl-drag and replace it with the current Ctrl+drag behavior?

I am suggesting to move shift+ctrl+drag to other shortcut, such as alt + (some) + drag, because alt + drag is screen relative behaviour,

Alt + Drag is moving screen, so zooming can be changed to Alt + (Shift or Ctlr) + Drag.

edit: alt + drag is actuall copy select node by drag. space + drag was screen relative.
so, what about ctrl + space + drag?

then shift+ctrl+drag to current ctrl+drag, shift behaviour.
ctrl+drag and ctrl+drag, shift is diffrent.
when there's already selected nodes, ctrl+drag discard current selected nodes and select nodes newly from area, but ctrl+drag, shift keep current selected nodes and add additional nodes to selection from area i dragged.