
Hiding FTDs

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I have concerns that these instruments, along with perpetual swaps are being used as tools to hide and Launder FTDs. Specifically, AMC GME FTDs. We know that firms mismark FTDs into swaps and derivatives to hide them illegally. These tokenized securities were created by a think tank out of Switzerland that provided tax avoidance advice on crypto safe havens including Belarus and Germany. Sketch af. It looks as though Binance won't even touch tokenized securities anymore and CM-Equity of Germany has ditched out as well. These tokens aren't backed by actual securities but instead are being called derivatives backed by cash now. Furthermore, the FTX acquisition of LedgerX allows firms to not only launder FTDs into swaps, but they can now avoid roll overs by hiding them in all perpetuity. Furthermore, by using burner wallets, it keeps them from getting margin called as a company. These automated wallet liquidations introduce massive risks into crypto markets, exchanges, and any related markets and could potentially wipe them all out, especially when overleveraging is involved. Since tokenized assets tie these markets into our stock market, it introduces systemic risks into our markets as well. Considering the tokenization of securities, the acquisition of LedgerX, the umbrella of deregulation and lack of reporting, the skirting of derivatives reporting through recent CFTC changes... specific partnerships of major institutions into this sphere including Citadel, Paradigm, Sequioa, Virtu, Jump Trading, Jane Street, MEMX, ect.. it's hard not to think this is exactly what is taking place. I'd also like to note that Tarbert recently of CFTC that approved LedgerX as the only perpetual swaps dealer in the states now works at Citadel and Quintenz and previous members of CFTC extended swaps reporting for 3 years as well. FTX now owns LedgerX, creating the perfect storm for crime, laundering, and systemic risks. This all stinks to high heaven, including this Safe Harbor. Peirce has a voting record of being against retail and doing whatever it takes to protect these firms and their crimes. Don't think we don't know and don't think we aren't watching. Apes aren't leaving.