
Heroku Skyhook Error Sent to Discord

bipolarmorgan opened this issue · 0 comments

Skyhook Error

`An error has occured on skyhook for your webhook with provider heroku. Maybe you can copy/paste or screenshot this error if there is no sensitive information and open an issue on the skyhook GitHub.

Error: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'event' of undefined\n at Heroku. (/workspace/dist/provider/Heroku.js:31:73)\n at ()\n at /workspace/dist/provider/Heroku.js:7:71\n at new Promise ()\n at __awaiter (/workspace/dist/provider/Heroku.js:3:12)\n at Heroku.parseData (/workspace/dist/provider/Heroku.js:27:16)\n at Heroku. (/workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:72:33)\n at ()\n at /workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:7:71\n at new Promise ()"`

I hope that helps, if you need further info, just let me know. Thanks!