
Button and Text Scaling Issue on Ubuntu 18.04

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi! Thank you for the textbook as well as the accompanying simulations! This work - Leabra - seems really exciting.

I'm currently using the simulations from ccn_sims_v1.3.1_linux.tar.gz in v1.3.1 03 Sep 2021 release along with the textbook, and have run into a few issues related to button and text scaling.

  • [Resolved] Essentially, the buttons and text are too large. This is still okay, since using an additional monitor does the trick.
  • [Partially resolved] However, in some cases, such as illustrated here, the text flows out of the buttons, thus rendering the text unreadable.

I'd be glad if someone knows about any recommended ways to resolve or work-around these issues.

Okay, this is a fair bit more configurable than my first guess.

  • I was unable to locate the GoGI preferences menu earlier; there, the zoom and LogicalDPIScale options take care of the first point.
  • About the second point, hovering does show a tooltip corresponding to the text, so this kinda works as well. Although, it would be great if the text could fit inside the button. The etable.Table window also has a Config button, but as of this moment, I have failed to notice any change produced by changing the options and 'UpdtView' using 'Config'.

For the tables, the idea is to size columns according to the data, not the headers, which can be rather long sometimes and would thus result in less efficient (and inconsistent-width) display of info.. So yeah the tooltip is the solution there. You could file an issue in the etable repository about an overall option to "show full headers" -- it wouldn't be very hard to support that option and it would be useful in some cases.

Alright, done, thank you!

In this particular case, since 'UniqPats' is a common prefix, another way to resolve this could be to make it a common header, and the part following ':' would be the subheaders, something like this:

| Index | Params |                        UniqPats                            |
|       |        | Count    | Mean | Std | Sem | Min | Q1 | Median | Q3 | Max |
|       |        |          |      |     |     |     |    |        |    |     |

But I'm not sure if this needs changes here, or someplace else since it seems a 2/multi level header could be useful at other places too.