
On Windows windows don't open

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This is related to an issue that I reported earlier, but I can't find where I posted it before. Anyway, I reported earlier that when opening some of the projects from Chapter 2, either detector or neuron that on Windows 10 the main project window didn't open, but that with some playing around with Windows split screen function they were able to get it to open. Randy asked people to look at the screen info in GoGi preferences. However, one of my students says that while she can get the project window to open properly, when she tries to open either the TestCycLog for the neuron project that the window does not show up and she also cannot get the GoGi preferences window to show up.

I got this report from a student:

Hover your cursor over the detector.exe icon in the taskbar and when the preview of the application pops up, either double click or right click the preview and press maximize.

it seems like it is opening the windows in a minimized state -- need to try on windows myself at some point to debug. maybe closing a sim with the window minimized causes this problem? it does try to remember the size so that might be it?

this is now fixed. was storing zero sizes.