
Scale encoding of ibc events for internal dashboard

Closed this issue · 6 comments

We need to track the usage of the bridge, and this can be done by scaling encoding of ibc events

Set up scale encoding of ibc events + create internal dashboard on:

  1. total number of transfers that the bridge has processed. success or fail
  2. volume (in $) transferred on the bridge each way. KSM>DOT, DOT>KSM
  3. asset type transferred. e.g KSM, PICA, DOT, USDT
  4. Source and destination

@vmarkushin in composable repo i sed reference to ibc-rs, but named it ibc-rs-scale to avoid double work on getting scale encodings. so will add ibc-rs-scale crate as deps and map events from centauri to this for starter

So need to ensure we can from/to to be good account key 0xb8e39e87c0fec96f7d012d31a4c27b44bfb504ab359662112e4270e380c84341.

Timeout packet with refund should be also IBC event


i will not be able to deliver $ now. until we have defined final oracle to use. pablo pool, coinbase what ever. can do next time. as soon as pools will be good, can use it. hope we will handle $ in next tickets.

handled by gloria