
Rename classes

finsberg opened this issue · 1 comments

Based on suggestion from suggested by @nforsch we could implement the following abstract classes (i.e classes that cannot be instantiated)

  • Single and Multi
    • This refer to the number of measurements / parameter sets. Single is only one measurement
  • State and States
    • This refer to the number of states (e.g voltage, calcium). State is only one state.
  • Beat and Beats
    • This refer to the number of beats. Beat is just a single beat.
    • Beat should contain all the methods that we could use to analyze a beat
    • Beats should contain methods like beatrate, chop, num_beats
    • There should also be some pointer to the parent Beats from Beat so that we can compute features such as the corrected APD (cAPD)

Then we implement the following classes using multiple inheritance

  • SingleStateBeat: e.g one beat of voltage and one parameter set
  • MultiStateBeat: e.g one beat of voltage and multiple parameter sets
  • SingleStateBeats: e.g multiple beats of voltage and one parameter set
  • MultiStateBeats: e.g multiple beats of voltage and multiple parameter sets
  • SingleStatesBeat: e.g one beat of voltage and calcium (or more states), and one parameter set
  • MultiStatesBeat: e.g one beat of voltage and calcium (or more states), and multiple parameter sets
  • SingleStatesBeats: e.g mutiple beats of voltage and calcium (or more states), and one parameter set
  • MultiStatesBeats: e.g multiple beats of voltage and calcium (or more states), and multiple parameter sets

Whether multiple inheritance is the way to go, I am not sure, but I like this naming convention.

I don't think we want to fix this one