
If node version is NOT 0.4.11 when restarting node

concordium-cl opened this issue · 7 comments

⚠️⚠️ Do not do this until you have extracted your log summary! ⚠️⚠️

When restarting your node after our update, you should get something similar to

If the node version is not updated to 0.4.11 , please do the following from a terminal:

  • Run docker ps -a. This will provide you with your CONTAINER ID in the first column.
  • Copy the container id to the next command to remove the container: docker rm <CONTAINER ID>
  • Then remove the image: docker rmi concordium/opentestnet-client:0.4.8
  • Now you can start the node.

If I restart the client without saving the logs, what should I do? For 2 weeks I had an active node, and now I will not have time to complete the tasks OT4-B1 and OT4-B4.

You should not restart your node without retrieving the logs first.

Follow our instructions on the status page and the Medium post.

logs were not saved, now I can leave tasks B1 - B4?

You should not restart your node without retrieving the logs first.

Follow our instructions on the status page and the Medium post.

This been many time adviced around support channels to restart node, which free lost transactions pool and improve baker functionality. Now apparently we loosing log files on restart ? This mean people who run bakers since the beggining and restarted they nodes lost main two challeges ?

Logs are only reset if there is a new version upgrade on restart. This is why earlier restarts were fine. I agree it's unfortunate there is no prompt to preserve logs, we'll look at this.

If you lost your logs due to precedence of earlier restarts, and you missed the log extraction instructions, then please:

  • Continue your B1 challenge to the point of what would have been 30 days for you, and submit what logs you have
  • Continue your B2/B3/B4 challenges and submit as instructed
  • DM one of our team on Discord for further advice so we can track you

I also could collect logs only after node upgrade(

Logs are only reset if there is a new version upgrade on restart. This is why earlier restarts were fine. I agree it's unfortunate there is no prompt to preserve logs, we'll look at this.

If you lost your logs due to precedence of earlier restarts, and you missed the log extraction instructions, then please:

* Continue your B1 challenge to the point of what would have been 30 days for you, and submit what logs you have

* Continue your B2/B3/B4 challenges and submit as instructed

* DM one of our team on Discord for further advice so we can track you

After looking in to may collected logs which I done before update ( pure luck ), it was clear. I think my logs are fine, thank you !