
Can not collect logs because the node run out of disk space?

bvloi94 opened this issue · 4 comments

My vps run out of disk space and I can not download or running the binary to collect logs.

Do we have any solution to deal with this?

When you say you cannot download the logs, you mean you cannot run scp?

Could you try doing the following (assuming your local machine is Linux/MacOS):

ssh user@vps 'docker logs concordium-client' > concordium-client.log

That will cat the logs through ssh.

You can also try downloading the docker logs raw file:

ssh -t user@vps 'sudo chmod 777 $(docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' concordium-client)'
scp user@vps:$(ssh user@vps 'docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' concordium-client') /some/path/in/your/machine

Note that this is intended for this use only as we are giving full permissions to a file that probably should have full permissions (chmod 777) as otherwise scp will refuse to copy it.

@bvloi94: If you need the logs to submit to our baker challenges, please complete the submission without logs and refer to this issue in your PR. If you want your logs for other reasons, please follow @jasagredo's instructions.

@concordium-cl, @jasagredo thank you very much, I will try your solution and give response later.

@bvloi94: I see you submitted, so I'll close the issue now.