
'lastModified' field missing in Repository Info, 'files'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Response from API request to /rest/info with header "Files: true" is missing the 'lastModified' field for the files object.
Everything else seems to be working, files get returned as { "name": ..., "path": ... }.
Is there some configuration I'm missing?

Version 1.8.1

I'm not sure that lastModified is supposed to be returned in a file list. I could think it being very error prone depending on the files themselves. The file objects only are updated when the contents of file is updated, but if your file is rendering properties, those properties could also alter the resulting file. What would you expect the "lastModified" to be in this case? My thoughts would be, each file would need to combine its file history and then also go through any history of any property within them at the time of the query. Which would be pretty intensive, but may not be what others expect. Maybe others only want the raw file changes and not take into consideration of the properties changing.

Personally I would expect the properties changing to be taken into consideration.
Regardless first step should be to remove it from the documentation so other teams don't get false hopes as well ;)