
Question: How to use it in the context of a webserver like Express.js

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I tried using async-profile within an endpoint of an express app, but I can't get it to work. Its immediately returning of making a instance an within the endpoint. Here a stripped down demo of my code:


var AsyncProfile = require('async-profile');

function someEndpoint(req, res){

    var profiler = new AsyncProfile({
        callback: function(results){
            console.log("error", "CPU profiling", results);

   //Its return immediately after the instantiation 

   dosomething(function returnCallback(){

    //Expected it to stop here


Hey @roundrobin, that should just work :/. Can you link me to the actual code?

is it able to print all the stacks of code, for example if i use MVC in express, the stack print should be "Controller","Service","DB" ?

@clevertension In theory, yes. You'd have to modify the code, or use your own output printer though.

@roundrobin's code works correctly for me, however if I use request, the profile terminates prematurely.

You can run this and see:

var AsyncProfile = require('async-profile'),
    request = require("request");

function someEndpoint() {

    var profiler = new AsyncProfile({
        callback: function(results) {

    request("", function() {
        // profiler stops right before this callback.
        console.log("loaded google");

    // wait 5 seconds and then stop
    setTimeout(function returnCallback() {
        console.log("really stop");
    }, 5000);


That's probably because request() isn't preserving domains across async calls. This can probably be patched in a similar manner to redis/mongo etc. in the current code.