
Versioning improvements

alexandratran opened this issue · 8 comments

  1. Current banner for unmaintained version reads:

    This is documentation for Teku documentation 23.10.0, which is no longer actively maintained.

    It should instead be:

    This is documentation for Teku version 23.10.0, which is no longer actively maintained.

    This can be fixed in this file:
    On line 40, replace {siteTitle} with Teku version.

  2. For the unreleased banner, remove the line break between the two sentences. To do this, in the same file in the LatestVersionSuggestionLabel function (, remove the <b> </b> tags on lines 62 and 70.

  3. Remove the doc version badge (the label that appears above all the page titles). Do this by swizzling the DocVersionBadge item (ejecting it), and replacing the ejected file with a null function (like in the Besu docs).

Hello, this is a good first issue and I would like to try my hands on it. Could you assign it to me?

@adeleke5140 assigned to you!

I am still on this.

Hello @alexandratran regarding 2, I don't believe the b element is responsible for the line break. The only purpose it serves is to draw the user attention which is a good thing. It is the div containing element.

I resolved the issue by removing the wrapper div.

Regarding 3, the DocVersionBadge is unsafe toswizzle, should I still go ahead?

Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 01 59 07

@adeleke5140 It is OK to swizzle unsafe elements, thanks!

@alexandratran are there any other docs issues I can tackle?

@adeleke5140 Can you work on this doc.web3signer issue to add back the watermark-repair content? Consensys/doc.web3signer#242

Alright, I would take a look. What's a good starting point? Do I create an issue first? @alexandratran