
bug: cannot use module on linux due to too long file names

Closed this issue · 6 comments

jbsv commented

Too long file names in repository.


On linux: go get or git clone cannot use '' due to unzip not able to handle too long file names.

Expected Behavior

git clone or go mod tidy can download and unzip the repository

Actual Behavior

git clone
Cloning into 'gnark-crypto'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 70877, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (19537/19537), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2695/2695), done.
remote: Total 70877 (delta 17573), reused 17767 (delta 16669), pack-reused 51340 (from 1)
Receiving objects: 100% (70877/70877), 35.89 MiB | 13.81 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (56461/56461), done.
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/1eed5b76b77315c55824fc3c6ad19eb92f19a5f5859d13f7e464428aa2c74d998d5ce788548db3d6059025d409f55414fd63967a0dcc8dc5259a2bdb6c8d4a860554784b1bcfbda16d0bd0d0a49d80678fcc7f0d0: File name too long
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/24cc67981e6bec7f8342e9e03ae556b51f9b18ebaf3a58e9cb2ed35b377b45f02a54d81f5bd492171b53ebd07eaf892fc1d10a1db7b480faf6b9cf57073844a7a6d37a6228fee79ae922dd48ae0001: File name too long
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/48ba093ee0f382b461f250013ebfcfae49861aa07451a214a09d7be021ef905c1ee98e39613a4640f3aebfc96d08c121a2723b44be7f641c7734f71cfaffcba62845b09599ea3e05833e2bbabc290df9a44f9a1c000020bd27400000000023: File name too long
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/7bb56ddaddcc57156093f0f1ab467ae4bc6697d616744fdf91910a2a8b1d366635739e215236cf581640975027d55053f58e59e8373237149668af6db2352a181551e12c6f3ef685b42f43429276019e3f31fc34200000000000000000000: File name too long
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/9174127dc1e70568c3e4a0027d7f9f5c930c3540e8a34429413af7c043df20b83dd31c72c2748c81e75d7f92da11824344e476897cfec838ee69ee39f5ff974c508b612b33d47c0b067c577578521bf3489f34380000417a4e800000000045: File name too long
error: unable to create file internal/generator/addchain/93319e6079afb1fe0d0ba780eb955ad47e6c63aebce963a72cbb4d6cdded17c0a953607d6f52485c6d4faf41fabe24bf07442876ded203ebdae73d5c1ce1129e9b4de988a3fb9e6ba48b7522b80006: File name too long
fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.
You can inspect what was checked out with 'git status'
and retry with 'git restore --source=HEAD :/'

Possible Fix

Use shorter file names.

Steps to Reproduce

Use git clone on linux.


I was originally trying to use 'go mod tidy' in my repo:
go mod tidy

go: finding module for package
-> unzip /home/jean/go/pkg/mod/cache/download/ open /home/jean/go/pkg/mod/ file name too long

Your Environment

Linux 5.15.0-124-generic #134-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 27 20:20:17 UTC 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
git version 2.34.1
go version go1.23.2 linux/amd64
gnark-crypto v0.12.0 or v0.14.0

Hey -- I suspect that's a issue not related to this repo; we (and other projects importing gnark-crypto) use Linux/Ubuntu in various settings with no problem on that front.
Couldn't reproduce on a clean AWS machine.

Can you also provide unzip -v? I think that for example when running in a Alpine image you may be using busybox version of unzip.

Hmm - this has also appeared before - see golang/go#58915. And indeed in some cases the full filename (e.g. in the current report "/home/jean/go/pkg/mod/" has 261 characters) is bigger than 256. Generally the name limit is 256, but path limit is usually bigger. What does getconf PATH_MAX / say?

Hmm - this has also appeared before - see golang/go#58915. And indeed in some cases the full filename (e.g. in the current report "/home/jean/go/pkg/mod/" has 261 characters) is bigger than 256. Generally the name limit is 256, but path limit is usually bigger. What does getconf PATH_MAX / say?

There is also indication that the user used eCryptfs - are you also by any chance using it? In that case, have a look at the mitigation there (setting GOMODCACHE env variable to a location outside of the encrypted filesystem)

Closing for now, seems to be a filesystem issue.

jbsv commented

Indeed my GOMODCACHE env variable points to an ecryptfs folder. This is where the limit comes from. Thanks a lot!