
scribble produces potentially invalid code given a forall over an old expression

cd1m0 opened this issue · 1 comments

cd1m0 commented

Given the following code:

pragma solidity 0.8.10;

contract Foo {
    uint[] a;

    /// #if_succeeds forall(uint i in old(a)) a[i] == 42;
    function balanceOf() public returns (uint) {

Scribble will produce the following code which will crash:

contract Foo is __scribble_ReentrancyUtils {
    uint[] internal a;

    function balanceOf() public returns (uint RET_0) {
        vars0 memory _v;
        unchecked {
            _v.old_0 = a;
        RET_0 = _original_Foo_balanceOf();
        unchecked {
            _v.forall_0 = true;
            for (_v.i0 = 0; _v.i0 < _v.old_0.length; _v.i0++) {
                _v.forall_0 = a[_v.i0] == 42;
                if (!_v.forall_0) break;
            if (!(_v.forall_0)) {
                emit AssertionFailed("0: ");

    function _original_Foo_balanceOf() private returns (uint) {

The issue is that the forall iterates over the precondition state of a (_v.i0 between 0 and _v.old_0.length), but the transpiled body indexes in the postcondition value of a (in a[_v.i0] == 42;). Note that the postcondition value of a has 1 fewer entries than the precondition, so there will be an out-of-bounds exception.

We have 2 options for a fix:

1.Disallow patterns like forall(i in old(...)) <use i in post-condition context>
2. Compile the bodies of for-loops like the one above to use the pre-condition value of the container we iterate over.

I think 1 is simpler and clearer. Going with 2 is complicated by the fact that its not clear what to do in the case forall(i in old(a)...old(b))? Or in the case forall(i in a...old(b))?

cd1m0 commented

Note that this will be solved by #152