
Scribbles grammar generates invalid FixedBytes type objects

cd1m0 opened this issue · 0 comments

cd1m0 commented

Given the following code:

pragma solidity 0.8.12;

contract Foo {
    /// #if_succeeds forall(bytes32 x in hashes) x != bytes32(0x0);
    function foo(bytes32[] memory hashes) public {}

Scribble outputs the following error:

tmp.sol:4:36 TypeError: The type bytes[object Object] of the iterator variable x is not compatible with iterator type uint of hashes.
    /// #if_succeeds forall(bytes32 x in hashes) x != bytes32(0x0);

Note the [object Object] part of the string. This comes from the FixedBytesType pretty printer, and indicates that the number field of the FixedBytesType is invalid. The issue is on line 702 of the scribble grammar:

FixedSizeBytesType =
    BYTES width: Number {
        return new FixedBytesType(width, makeRange(location(), options as ParseOptions));
    / BYTE {
        return new FixedBytesType(1, makeRange(location(), options as ParseOptions));

Specifically the width: Number grammar member returns an SNumber object, while the FixedBytesType constructor expects a simple JS number.