Scribble generated files are highly sensitive to Solidity version pragma
NeverFearTomorrow opened this issue · 2 comments
After I --arm
a sol file and then try to compile it, I usually get an error like:
The Solidity version pragma statement in these files doesn't match any of the configured compilers in your config. Change the pragma or configure additional compiler versions in your hardhat config.
* @openzeppelin/contracts/__scribble_ReentrancyUtils.sol (0.8.17)
I can change the pragma, but sometimes I wind up having to change it again later. Scribble seems very sensitive to this - it would be nice if scribble would work with 0.8.9 since I believe that's the latest stable release of Solidity - if I try with .13 or .15 then the compiler warns that I'm on a "not fully supported" version. As for .17, I don't think I even have that installed yet.
I also get a lot of other errors when trying to compile scribble instrumented stuff - is there a more general way I can discuss these errors, or do I need to cut a minimal repro and report an issue for each different type of error? Thanks!
We provide an explicit --compiler-version
command line option to scribble, that lets you pick what version it will use. Would this solve your problem?
Closing due to no activity. Explaination above should handle compiler version issues.