
Launch fails on Windows when Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 not installed

Closed this issue · 2 comments


When attempting to run Teku on clean install of Windows 10, error occurs as in log excerpt below.

Error appears to be resolved after installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Service Pack 1 Redistributable.

It would be great if this dependency weren't required, or if it is, that be documented clearly in the installation docs for Windows scenario. Thanks!

2022-01-22 10:19:33.952-08:00 | validator-async-0 | INFO  | teku-status-log | �[33mUsing portable BLST library.�[0m
2022-01-22 10:19:33.952-08:00 | main | INFO  | teku-status-log | Storing beacon chain data in: C:\teku\data\beacon
2022-01-22 10:19:33.968-08:00 | validator-async-0 | INFO  | BLS | BLS: loaded BLST library
2022-01-22 10:19:33.968-08:00 | main | INFO  | VersionedDatabaseFactory | Beacon data directory set to: C:\teku\data\beacon
2022-01-22 10:19:33.968-08:00 | validator-async-0 | INFO  | teku-status-log | Loading 1 validator keys...
2022-01-22 10:19:33.999-08:00 | main | FATAL | BeaconNodeCommand | Teku failed to start
java.util.concurrent.CompletionException: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load library. Reasons: [no leveldbjni64-1.8 in java.library.path: <all current path values here....>

Steps to Reproduce (Bug)

  • Perform clean install of latest Windows 10
  • Download Teku binaries
  • Attempt to run with this configuration:
network: "prater"
eth1-endpoint: "http://localhost:8545"
validator-keys: C:\teku\validator_keys;C:\teku\validator_keys
data-path: C:\teku\data
rest-api-port: 5051
rest-api-docs-enabled: true
rest-api-enabled: true
log-file: C:\teku\logs.txt

Expected behavior:
It runs and does the things

Actual behavior:
It does not run or do things



  • Java version: 17.0.1
  • OS Name & Version: Windows 10

Thanks for raising this, we'll look into it.

Doco has been updated to include the windows VC++ redistributable.

Closing ticket.