
Unable to create gossip_messages directory to save gossip messages. Disabling saving debug data to file.

Closed this issue · 1 comments


During startup, Teku tries to create the following folders in the current directory instead of using the configured data-base-path.


This is probably due to the recent introduction of the DebugDataDumper .

Steps to Reproduce (Bug)

  1. download and unzip teku 24.4.0
  2. navigate to any folder you have read only access (i.e., /home)
  3. launch teku via absolute or relative path
  4. wait a few seconds
  5. stop teku (CTRL+C)
  6. check the log for the error message ERROR | DebugDataDumper | Unable to create gossip_messages directory to save gossip messages. Disabling saving debug data to file.
  7. navigate to a temp folder you have write permissions
  8. launch teku via absolute or relative path
  9. wait a few seconds
  10. stop teku (CTRL+C)
  11. verify debug folders are created inside the current folder

Expected behavior:

Teku complies with the data-base-path in the configuration file.

Actual behavior:

Teku is trying to use the current folder for debugging purposes.




  • Software version: teku/v24.4.0/linux-x86_64/-privatebuild-openjdk64bitservervm-java-17
  • Java version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.10+7-Ubuntu-122.04.1)
  • OS Name & Version: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS

Hi @Neurone thanks for raising this. By default dumping p2p debug data is disabled and teku was creating the debug directories in the current directory in this case. This behaviour is fixed in #8258, so will be part of the next release. For the moment, it is safe to ignore this error message. In case you want to enable p2p debug data, can use --Xp2p-dumps-to-file-enabled=true. In that case, the correct data-base-path will be used.