
Update Besu metrics dependencies

Closed this issue · 0 comments

Initial draft work: #8288


  • Finally upgrade io.prometheus:simpleclient from 0.9.0 to 0.16.0
  • Upgrade besu dependencies from 24.1.2 to 24.5.2
  • Fix tests
  • Ensure metrics/dashboards are not broken
  • Update metrics to comply with naming standard for counters introduced in v0.10 of io.prometheus:simpleclient
  • Add breaking changing announcement in the changelog

This ticket can be close when all the following are done:

  • Dashboards have been updated
  • Release new dashboard (backwards compatible)
  • Breaking changes announcement for next release is done - PR #8361
  • Docs PR adding a page with all metrics updated - Branch here
  • PR #8288 is merged into master after release 24.6.0