Not generating Invoice
sarkkk opened this issue · 2 comments
sarkkk commented
I am using this function with the help of your documentation:
public function invoice()
$invoice = Invoice::make()
->addItem('Test Item', 10.25, 2, 1412)
->addItem('Test Item 2', 5, 2, 923)
->addItem('Test Item 3', 15.55, 5, 42)
->addItem('Test Item 4', 1.25, 1, 923)
->addItem('Test Item 5', 3.12, 1, 3142)
->addItem('Test Item 6', 6.41, 3, 452)
->addItem('Test Item 7', 2.86, 1, 1526)
->notes('Lrem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.')
'name' => 'Èrik Campobadal Forés',
'id' => '12345678A',
'phone' => '+34 123 456 789',
'location' => 'C / Unknown Street 1st',
'zip' => '08241',
'city' => 'Manresa',
'country' => 'Spain',
But it is loading continuously without generating the invoice. anyone out there to help ?
ConsoleTVs commented
Make sure extensions are installed...
codevio commented
@ConsoleTVs I think we can close this issue.