- 0
- 5
Operation was attempted past the valid range
#114 opened by jamalw - 1
get_value() method is deprecated and removed
#120 opened by jwparks - 0
name of Lag-CRP analysis for analyze kwarg mismatches exception text
#119 opened by paxtonfitzpatrick - 6
`izip_longest` not found
#111 opened by jeremymanning - 19
cannot decode files longer than 1 minute
#113 opened by jamalw - 0
output text file is blank when decoding file longer than 1 minute and `save=True`
#117 opened by paxtonfitzpatrick - 0
add naturalistic memory metrics
#116 opened by andrewheusser - 4
lag CRP analysis crashing
#112 opened by jeremymanning - 0
modeling dynamics at multiple timescales
#110 opened by jeremymanning - 1
#100 opened by jeremymanning - 1
specifying distance functions
#108 opened by andrewheusser - 1
- 0
update code examples
#107 opened by andrewheusser - 5
- 1
Analysis object class
#82 opened by andrewheusser - 0
built in distance functions
#91 opened by andrewheusser - 0
Modify/enhance Egg format
#89 opened by andrewheusser - 0
optional dependencies
#103 opened by andrewheusser - 0
modify output of
#105 opened by andrewheusser - 3
- 1
incorporate chris's event segmentation model as a preprocessing step for naturalistic stimuli
#101 opened by andrewheusser - 1
Can not import itertools in Python 3
#99 opened by EmilyWhitaker - 0
- 5
feature request: row populated with standard deviations for fried egg object
#97 opened by ryankirkpatrick57 - 4
- 0
- 0
ENH: add field to egg for response times
#86 opened by andrewheusser - 0
- 3
notice of erroneous argument
#84 opened by KirstensGitHub - 0
subject's average fingerprint is NaNs
#83 opened by paxtonfitzpatrick - 1
Citation info
#81 opened by jeremymanning - 1
feature request: estimate onset times
#71 opened by jeremymanning - 5
JOSS: Update submission version
#73 opened by RichardLitt - 7
Unable to run example from README
#76 opened by RichardLitt - 4
- 3
- 3
documentation: Outline key intended users
#79 opened by RichardLitt - 1
documentation: Add note about support
#78 opened by RichardLitt - 1
- 1
JOSS: Update install section
#74 opened by RichardLitt - 2
JOSS: Who is Campbell E. Field?
#72 opened by RichardLitt - 1
error: no module named indexes.base
#69 opened by andrewheusser - 0
- 6
- 1
feature request: memory models
#61 opened by jeremymanning - 7
account for list length when computing temporal clustering (maybe other fingerprint dims)?
#63 opened by andrewheusser - 0
speed up analyses (particularly clustering)
#66 opened by andrewheusser - 0
refactor fingerprint code
#64 opened by andrewheusser - 0
add more tutorials
#57 opened by andrewheusser