
[Bug] Cookie autodelate causes firefox to hang for some tens seconds when deleting cookies (e.g. at browser startup)

callegar opened this issue · 9 comments


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Describe the bug

Recently, I am seeing CAD causing firefox to hang for some seconds when the master password dialog is prompted by the browser (i.e., typically at startup). Because the extension does not seem to have been updated in the last month, I believe that something might have changed in firefox causing the CAD extension to misbehave. I am seeing this with Firefox 113 on Manjaro Linux.

The behaviour I am observing is the following:

  • start the browser
  • she browser window appears together with the master password dialog
  • everything is unresponsive: you cannot type the master password in the master password dialog. Even trying to close firefox at this point fails, causing the window manager (I am using KDE) to say that the program is unresponsive and proposing to force-closing it
  • after some seconds (maybe 20-30), a notification from CAD appears saying that some cookies were autodeleted
  • at this point the master password dialog starts accepting text, providing the master password it goes away and the browser works.

Disabling CAD from the extension list makes the browser behave correctly.

To Reproduce

Start the browser with the CAD extension active

Expected Behavior

The brower should start regularly. However, the browser hangs at the master password for some seconds. Then CAD shows a notification, and only after that the browser works regularly.


No response

System Info - Operating System (OS)

Manjaro Linux, KDE, X11

System Info - Browser Info

Firefox 113

System Info - CookieAutoDelete Version


Additional Context

No response

Disabling "Enable GreyList Cleanup on Browser Restart" stops the hanging at the startup.

Unfortunately, the issue is more serious than I had initially estimated. The temporary freeze in the browser does not happen only at the startup but whenever CAD wants to delete cookies. Hence, disabling "GreyList Cleanup on Browser Restart" is not a sufficient workaround.

During regular browser operation, the issue is similar to the one at startup. The browser freezes, and after some seconds you get the CAD notification that some cookies were deleted. At this point the browser de-freezes.

This makes CAD substantially incompatible with recent firefox.

What are your CAD settings? Do you have any of the other browsing data types checked for cleanup? There seem to be an active issue with the cache cleanup that seems to have similar behavior that you are experiencing. Does unchecking that help? Unfortunately like that bug it may be a browser bug that may be specific to certain OS, which I cannot debug as it's essentially either a webextension API thing or browser thing.

Hi, I have:

  • Enable Automatic Cleaning
  • second(s) Delay Before Automatic Cleaning = 15
  • Clean Existing Data for Newly Enabled Browsing Data Types
  • Enable Cleanup Log and Counter
  • Show Number of Cookies for that Domain over the Icon
  • Show Notification After Automatic Cleanup
  • Show Notification from Manual Site Data Cleanups
  • Enable context menus

And nothing else.

Opening an issue for firefox too (see

Issue appears to be gone with the latest firefox update from the distro.