
This is our Service Oriented Architecture project API and aims to aggregate recipes for Facebook public pages and find the relevant videos of the recipes from YouTube.

Primary LanguageRuby

RecipeBuddy API

Codeship Status for Cookmasters/recipebuddy-api

This is our Service Oriented Architecture project API and aims to aggregate recipes for Facebook public pages and find the relevant videos of the recipes from YouTube.


Application Routes

  • GET /: main route

Page Routes

  • GET api/v0.1/page/all: returns a json of all the Facebook pages along with the recipes already saved in the database
  • GET api/v0.1/page/[pagename]: returns a json of the page information along with the recipes of that page
  • POST api/v0.1/page/[pagename]: gets the page information along with the recipes from Facebook and saves it in the database
  • PUT api/v0.1/page/[pagename]: deletes the current recipes of the page and runs a request (background worker) to get the most recent recipes of that page

Recipe Routes

  • GET api/v0.1/recipe/all: returns a json of all the recipes already saved in the database
  • GET api/v0.1/recipe/best: returns a json of the best 150 recipes ordered by the number of positive reactions on Facebook(like, love, wow, haha)
  • GET api/v0.1/recipe/[id]: returns a json of the recipe


Install this API by cloning the relevant branch and installing required gems:

$ git clone git@github.com:Cookmasters/recipebuddy-api.git
$ cd recipebuddy-api
$ bundle install

You may have to add your Facebook access and AWS token to config/secrets.yml (see example in folder). Also don't forget to configure the AWS queues in config/app.yml and workers/shoryuken.yml, workers/shoryuken_dev.yml, workers/shoryuken_test.yml


Test this API by running:

$ RACK_ENV=test rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake spec


Run this API during development:

$ rake db:migrate
$ bundle exec rake api:run:dev

Background Worker

Loads the recipes in the background. Run it with the following command:

$ rake worker:run:<environment>

Environment can take one of the following values dev, test, production

Rake tasks available

Run the following task to find more Rake tasks:

$ rake -T