This is a simple MQTT benchmark tool written in Golang. The main purpose of the tool is to benchmark how many concurrent connections a MQTT broker could support.
$ git clone
$ cd bin
//sub test
./go_build_cp7_bench_sub_go_linux -workers=4000000 -cid=tqy -topic=null -qos=0 -url=tcp:// -keepalive=60000s -clear=true
//pub test
./go_build_cp7_bench_pub_go_linux -cid=cp7 -clear=true -keepalive=300s -qos=0 -s=256 -topic=a/b/c -url=tcp:// -workers=500
$ ./go_build_cp7_bench_sub_go_linux -h
Usage of ./go_build_cp7_bench_sub_go_linux:
-cid string
client id start with (default "testclient")
clear session (default true)
-keepalive string
keepalive (default "300s")
-qos uint
sub qos level
-topic string
the used topic (default "cp7sub%i")
-url string
broker url (default "tcp://")
-workers int
number of workers (default 100)
-h help information
-cid client id start with this value profix + workers id [like: testclient0]
-clear clean session [default: true]
-keepalive keep alive in seconds [default: 300]
-qos subscribe qos [default: 0]
-topic topic subscribe, support %i variables
-url mqtt connect string [like: tcp://username:password@]
-workers mqtt connection clients count [default: 100]
$ ./go_build_cp7_bench_pub_go_linux -h
Usage of ./go_build_cp7_bench_pub_go_linux:
-I int
interval of publishing message(ms) (default 1000)
-cid string
client id start with (default "client")
clear session (default true)
-i int
interval of connecting to the broker(ms) (default 10)
-keepalive string
keepalive (default "300s")
-qos uint
pub qos level
-s int
payload size (default 256)
-topic string
pub topic (default "cp7sub%i")
-url string
broker url (default "tcp://username:password@")
-workers int
number of workers (default 200)
-h help information
-cid client id start with this value profix + workers id [like: client0]
-clear clean session [default: true]
-keepalive keep alive in seconds [default: 300]
-qos subscribe qos [default: 0]
-topic topic subscribe, support %i variables
-url mqtt connect string [like: tcp://username:password@]
-workers mqtt connection clients count [default: 100]
-s payload size [default: 256]
-I interval of publishing message(ms) [default 1000]
-i interval of connecting to the broker(ms) [default 10]