
Optimize current state of app

florianfendt opened this issue · 0 comments

Making a little list here what the next development steps will be.

Sidenote: BLOCK for introducing new features until all this is done:

  • All tabPanels need to be properly reviewed and possibly refactored:
  • learners: too complicated, introduce reactiveValues
  • train/predict: input handling is not great when data, is missing or prediction failed
  • preprocessing: undo-button and related with that is handling and assignment of data$data needs checking
  • task: again data$data!
  • other tabs: imho ok but see below.
  • This somehow is related to the second checkbox but I want to stress it here separately so we really do this properly: Review everything for style guide, function usage:
  • variable names: Maybe we need to deviate from Bernd's style guide here because we get problems with . when we use the variable in a java-expression. Right now we use both _ and ., which is bad.
    @Coorsaa let's agree on a solution for this on Monday.
  • reactiveValues and reactive-functions need to be used in correct context consistently
  • stringi for string-operations everywhere
  • checkmate should be removed. We only use it in 2/3 places and should be done with needy-functions within shiny
  • Find a better design for the UI and apply everywhere. Ideas for now:
  • Use flexdashboard to move sidebar to top. Our section specific inputs that are now in our
    makeSidebar function can then go in a sidebarPanel. Maybe we can even use the one from shiny dashboard for that?!
  • Colors, button style, ... (I think the radio buttons are super ugly, dunno if thats only me though 😄 )