
🦄 tutorial storage

Primary LanguageCSS


tutorial storage

I read an article about guided and unguided way of learning. And i got an amazing advice from it. The idea: When you go through any tutorial you won't learn anything until you do it by yourself. I if you just copy and paste code from a tutorial, you don't go the most efficient way. Cause the next day or next week you will forget all the information from it. To maximize your efficency while going through some tutorial you should do these steps:

  1. Repeat all tutorial by heart

  2. Make the similar project as the project from tutorial

  3. Add some advanced features to the project created in tutorial

So i will keep my progress in tutorials here.

tutorials roadmap

Tutorial Status
React Router needs repetition
Remix(short) in plan
Remix(long) in plan
Apollo GraphQL in plan
React Navigation in progress