No route found for "GET nsole"
Closed this issue · 6 comments
I tried to use this bundle but got No route found for "GET nsole"
error. Any fix please ?
What URL are you using to access the console?
And here is the routing_dev.yml entry:
resource: "@CoreSphereConsoleBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /_console```
Where exactly do you get the error? I am wondering why the path in the error message is just "nsole" instead of "console"...
I tried other entries of the routing_dev.yml and got the same error with at each time the 2 or 3 first letters of the route name clipped. But as for the console's route, I guess I was not the only one to encounter this error:
If you get the error for other routes too, I assume it is not a problem with the console bundle. Did you try clearing the cache (manually)?
Hey, I profusely apologize for posting this issue. I was getting totally wrong. The error was in the url and had nothing to do with your bundle. I was entering
instead of