
Http API support

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Could be useful to have

an interface for sim and hardware to implement so both can support this or
a platform independent library

(Pending investigation in #23)

I don't know too much about web but I can take a look to see what I can do.

I've actualy started doing this with a local copy i've made of the code. I am using the Emby rest api to get information on currently playing content for a certain device. I don't have the hardware built yet so i haven't tested it on the device but the C++ code for the http api integration works as well as the UI i have made.

@CoretechR @MatthewColvin
I'd be happy to contribute code for this to the project but i'm not a big user of git hub as i'm an electrical/electronic engineer and any coding i do is usualy just stored locally on my machine, so i'm not sure how i'd contribute the code.

Hey @samdowrick, Maybe you could join the discord and we can talk git and GitHub. I can help get your code online so we can look at it.