
Question: Do you have a library version of crypto-candlesticks?

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Just wondering if you have an official library (non-interactive CLI) version of this application? I'd like to incorporate it in a Streamlit application. I have done some experiments a year ago and it is possible.

If I do this again (make it a library) using the latest version (so I can use it in Streamlit), and submit it back to you, would that be acceptable?


Hey @asehmi that would be fantastic, I will gladly accept the PR.

I've wanted to extend some of the functionalities, but unfortunately, I do not have the time on my hands right now; feel free to submit any improvements, thanks!

Excellent... I have forked the repo and made a folder lib-crypto-candlesticks alongside crypto-candlesticks. I'm using a branch of the same name. I'll try to put a sample Streamlit app in the examples folder. PR pending.

Many thanks,

Just to let you know I finished this work last week and am busy building the Streamlit app. I've had to put in some exception handling (replacing the sys exits) and introduced a natural key in the db schema so that values can be replaced rather than added, which is helpful when building a full data snapshot for a crypto coin. The Streamlit app makes it easy to build datasets and visualize the candles. I also adjusted the default start/end time functions as crypto can be traded 24/7/365, unlike equities which are 8/5/220. More news soon. Send me an email/message with your email so we can have a zoom call?

Hey! Currently on holiday, let's talk next week. Use my email to send a meeting invitation: