XFuscator - The Best Lua Obfuscator 3V4R ---------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Might not actually be the best one ever. If you find a better one, tell me so I can make XFuscator better than it. NOTE: Files become much larger. A 1KB file can easily go to 5-15 KB. XFuscator (about 10 KB) becomes 500-700 KB. Features: - Remove comments - Rename ALL local variables SAFELY (see below, obfuscates precompiled local names also) - extract all constants - Remove extra whitespace - Add fluff - precompile with loadstring - precompiled chunks have their locals made completely unrepresentable - encode source (or binary chunk) - Add unrepresentable characters in comments - In precompiled code, renames locals to something like <local$1>_[0-20 chars of range 0-255] - option to encrypt constant strings (uses XOR with random key) - Tamper detection (length checking) TODO: - Tamper detection (SHA256 hash) - Add ROBLOX features to make the game crash if the script was stolen - extract global variables and replace with a CONSTANT_POOL index (no, because this would cause issues when one changed) - encode (binary, hex) Compare to: Capprime Lua Obfuscator (http://www.capprime.com/CapprimeLuaObfuscator/CapprimeLuaObfuscator.aspx) - Features: rename variables longer than 4 characters, strip SOME comments and eliminate SOME whitespace LuaSrcDiet (http://luasrcdiet.luaforge.net/) - Features: removes whitespace/comments, optimizes constants, renames variables Lua Obfuscator (http://www.lualearners.org/forum/3869) - Features: extract constant strings, add gibberish into comments, rename variables, DOES NOT WORK WITH COMMENTS Lua Code Obfuscator (http://pastebin.com/ixB0UpHB) - Features: precompiles into bytecode CHANGELOG ------------------------------------ Version 2.0b1 - Complete rewrite, along with updated code parsing and using LAT to edit precompiled chunks Version 1.1 - changed variable regex Version 1.0 - Initial release