Minecraft Forge Mod - Helps improve frame rates by limiting how far away tile entities and entities can render, with configurable ranges.
- 2
[1.19.2] Crash when rendering certain blocks / block entities. ("com.corosus.out_of_sight.OutOfSight.getCanonicalNameCached(java.lang.Class)" is null")
#11 opened by Gbergz - 1
[1.20.1] Not Respecting Configs
#15 opened by SaltSouls - 0
- 0
[1.18.2] Crash when used with Portable Tanks
#13 opened by EMyGuy - 0
[1.19.2] Crash after using Chunkloader Mod
#12 opened by pewblaze - 0
[1.18.2] Allow/Deny Lists in Config?
#10 opened by Darkosto - 0
Crash caused by OOS
#9 opened by JWTHDYTWA - 0
Out of sign crashing clients
#8 opened by Zelioth - 0
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OutOfSight crashes with ElementalCraft.
#6 opened by ExoticJazz - 0
- 1
OutOfSight Client Crash
#2 opened by Joheunn - 0
#3 opened by AbdElAziz333