
Panel plugin with id corpglory-multibar-graph-panel could not be found

mxk1235 opened this issue · 6 comments

I am seeing Panel plugin with id corpglory-multibar-graph-panel could not be found when trying to add a the multibar panel.

Running in a new grafana/grafana container, installed via GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS environment variable

grafana_1     | from url:
grafana_1     | into: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
grafana_1     |
grafana_1     | ✔ Installed multibar-graph-panel successfully
grafana_1     |
grafana_1     | Restart grafana after installing plugins . <service grafana-server restart>
grafana_1     |
grafana_1     | t=2019-03-09T00:36:37+0000 lvl=info msg="Starting Grafana" logger=server version=6.0.1 commit=0c44a04 branch=HEAD compiled=2019-03-06T14:21:49+0000```

Hey @mxk1235 we don't support this plugin. Please let us know if you need this issue fixed.

Fank commented

@mxk1235 do you mean this?

@mxk1235 I think the problem is that you are using this on Grafana 6 which we haven't tested

@Fank yes, that's what i'm seeing.

@jonyrock i'm seeing it with Grafana 5 and 6 unfortunately

@Fank if you ready to sponsor this feature support, please

Hey, @mxk1235
It is fixed in the latest 0.2.5 release
You can use this URL in GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS to install the plugin: