
Y axis unit always set to date with Grafana 7.0.0-beta3

fpbrault opened this issue · 6 comments

Using Grafana 7.0.0-beta3, it appears that the Y axis unit type cannot be set correctly for multibar-graph-panel. No other custom or default visualizations appear to be affected by this issue.


While you can select a unit type, it does not actually change the type used for the Y axis


@fpbrault thank you for the report, but I have no idea when we will find time to fix it....

the only I can say, that if this functionality be implemented "for free", then it will be there: chartwerk/bar-chart#6

I have the same problem,
I haven't updated grafana, I'm waiting for the fix thanks

@dbouchierarcad I feel your pain, let me think what we can do here.

I have the same the problem. I would appreciate if you can fix this. @jonyrock
I'm using Grafana 7.0.0

This is fixed. The new version available on master. Hope you will value our contribution here: I strongly recommend to try , functionality there is limited, but this project actively supported.