
Error with Pie chart and Multibar Graph Panel on dashboard

Closed this issue · 13 comments

Hello again!
I have issue with Multibar Graph Panel.

  1. Add Multibar Graph Panel

  2. Add Pie chart

1.1) Delete Multibar Graph Panel

node -v

npm -v

grafana-cli -v
Grafana cli version 4.6.3

Centos 7.

Hi @deepminimal!

Have you tested it with default Grafana's Graph plugin?

I haven't ever used PieChart plugin. So can you please explain what is expected behaviour? Pie Chart is a plugin from Grafana Labs.

I want to use Pie chart and Multibar Graph Panel in one dashboard.

With standart Graph panel everything is ok.

But when i add Multibar Graph Panel, a Pie Chart panel broken like this:

@deepminimal OK, i see. Need to do some research to fix this bug. Will keep you informed.

BTW, thanks for the detailed description with screenshots!

Any update on this? I am seeing similar results. when I add the multi bar graph, all my pie charts in the dashboard go blank.

@rozetko can I ask you to explore it a bit. Is it connected with CorpGlory/grafana-graph-panel#6 ?

@jonyrock ok, I'll look into this

@jonyrock Seems like current issue is not connected to CorpGlory/grafana-graph-panel#6.
However same bug is here:

Will keep looking into it.

Hey, @deepminimal @nsayedqt
Here is an update on this issue. I managed to fix it for initial grafana-graph-panel plugin.
This PR fixes it: CorpGlory/grafana-graph-panel#8
But, unfortunately, I came up with some problems with integrating it into this repo
If someone could do it - PRs would be appreciated

P.S. all problems are because of flot plugin and a way it uses plugins

Any update on integrating the above solution into this repo? I am still seeing the issue. Would really appreciate if the solution can be merged here. Thanks

@nsayedqt @deepminimal bug is fixed via this PR #15
But fix created another bug (#16), working on it

Hello everyone,

I have Grafana v6.5.3 (24e5e75) and the bug still exists for me.

The behaviour is the same as @deepminimal explained, but actually a little bit worse: once I add a Multibar Graph Panel, my Pie Chart gets screwed up forever. Even removing the Multibar panel doesn't fix it.