
Issue when serving Grafana in sub directory

matthenning opened this issue · 7 comments

I serve Grafana via a virtual sub directory (https://host/grafana instead of https://host:3000).
Another application (icingaweb2) is served in the root directory (https://host).

When editing the this panel in Grafana and clicking on the "Display" or "Legend" tab my root application is loaded into the panel. Maybe the root_url is not applied here?
Other panels work fine.

Before clicking "Legend":

After clicking "Legend":

@matthenning can we close it?

I'll try tomorrow and close it if everything's working. Thank you for merging.

Waiting on #11 to verify.
Making the modifications from #10 directly in the compiled version yields the expected results though, so I'm optimistic.

@matthenning I have almost no time to work on this project.
Would you be collaborator ?

I would but sadly I don't know anything about developing Grafana plugins or TypeScript :( I'm sorry.

We can teach you if you are interested :)

I'm always interested in learning :)