
Lavalink error

SensiblePoet256 opened this issue · 2 comments

 npm run start

discordbot@10.0.0 start
node . --trace-warnings

Database >> MongoDB is connecting...

Bot >> Started on 1 servers!
System >> Lavalink connected!
System >> Lavalink connected!
System >> Lavalink connected!
System >> Lavalink connected!
System >> Lavalink connected!
ERROR >> Node had an error: Unable to connect after 5 attempts.

If you run the bot on Windows, make sure you have JDK 16.0.2 installed. You also need the Lavalink.jar ( and an application.yml (

Start the JAR with the command java -jar Lavalink.jar and correct the Lavalink data in the .env file. For example, host and port 2333. Make sure that the password in both files matches.

Both files must be located in the same folder. Both the Lavalink.jar and the application.yml. Change the password to whatever you want, and then everything should work.

Join our server. There we can help you better and faster. We also posted there a new lavalink