Rethink native token wallet flow
ethanfrey opened this issue · 0 comments
ethanfrey commented
After trying this out, I understand a lot of your issues with the design. I would make the following suggestions:
- The first page, where it lists all tokens for an account, has the search bar. Then you can search for an account and see all their tokens.
- Clicking on a token to go into the token details page is only enabled if you are the owner (looking at your own account).
- The token in the list is greyed out if you are not the owner (or otherwise some way to show you cannot click)
- One the token detail page, it lists your current balance of that token and has the send form inline - no search button, no second step to send.
The user workflow is:
- Login
- See my account
- Click on token I want to send
- Enter amount and recipient
- Send
- Login
- See my account
- Search for another account to check balance
- (Later maybe send from other account)
Please merge #27 without workflow changes (just with the response.code fix and the token denom fix), then we can look at this and see if it makes sense.