
create a release in f-droid for more popularity

Wjxfi opened this issue · 5 comments

Wjxfi commented
create a release in f-droid for more popularity

With your always changing the packageName, this won't be easy:

  • before 8/2022:
  • 8/2022: renamed to org.cosmic.ide
  • 9/2023: again renamed, this time to org.cosmicide (dropping a dot)

Could you please stick to a packageName finally, @PranavPurwar? Whenever you change it, people have to uninstall and re-install. They won't receive a notification that they have to do so. You do not even mention it in your release notes. I will now disable updates in my repo until this is solved (as just a single dot disappeared, this might have been an unintended change after all).

OK, no answer means you obviously do not care – so I don't either and will now remove the app from my repo. I see the app is meanwhile available at, so I guess this is OK with you. Just note that future renamings will not be solved that easy then: your app will simply be no longer updated there 🤷‍♂️

OK, no answer means you obviously do not care – so I don't either and will now remove the app from my repo. I see the app is meanwhile available at, so I guess this is OK with you. Just note that future renamings will not be solved that easy then: your app will simply be no longer updated there 🤷‍♂️

no answer, maybe because he is busy

OK, no answer means you obviously do not care – so I don't either and will now remove the app from my repo. I see the app is meanwhile available at, so I guess this is OK with you. Just note that future renamings will not be solved that easy then: your app will simply be no longer updated there 🤷‍♂️

No, no, its not like that. I had decided to reply to it later. (had been caught up with school stuff) But completely forgot about it after that.

It's going to stay permanently as org.cosmicide from now on with no future changes. The reason for this change was because the new version had no backwards support, so I thought it shouldn't just break old projects like that and just chose to have it installed as a separate app. I'm extremely sorry for any inconveniences I may have caused before, and would try my best not to repeat such thing in the future.

@PranavPurwar apologies fully accepted, thanks! It's just we had this issue before, so I thought you'd be aware of the implications. And I got the error reports from my updater each time. When you didn't answer for a month and the error reports kicked me again, I was just tired of it. Assuming this wouldn't be resolved "anytime soon", I acted.

I guess as your app is on directly now, that should be fine this way. I had removed it here anyway after a 10..14 day overlap (trying to keep the redundancy low – you might remember my repo runs on personal space which is limited).

No grudges or so, all fine now. People can still get your app with its new ID – this time from directly, without having to add a 3rd party repo like mine to their clients. They had to uninstall/reinstall anyway now (unless you've established reproducible builds, which I did not check) – so this was the perfect time to make the switch not just with a new ID, but with the "final repo". Hope you agree to this reasoning.