
Several methods in NavigationDrawerController not visible in Objective-C

emauro opened this issue · 8 comments

Most methods in NavigationDrawerController are not visible from Objective-C. Example:
setLeftViewWidth, toogleLeftView, openLeftView, closeLeftView. Same for right counterparts. An @objc is necessary in front of all methods.

Hey! It has been 5 years that swift is available. I think we don't support objective c anymore in favor of new features of swift which are not available in obj c

@OrkhanAlikhanov yes that is correct, Swift has been out for a while, but that said, there are still projects out there that need Obj-C support by design.... not necessarily by desire. If it is as simple as adding @objc to the declaration, I don't see why adding it would be an issue. If it is a feature solely in Swift, well then we can't do anything about that. Thoughts?

there are still projects out there that need Obj-C support by design.... not necessarily because of desire

That's the point. I just added @objc and it solved my problem.

@OrkhanAlikhanov I would say that going forward, our protocol will be to make what can be available easily in Obj-C ~ available.... otherwise, let's move forward with Swift.

@emauro a PR that would help solve this issue so easily is greatly appreciated, rather than us chasing these methods down.

@emauro a PR with updates to fix your issue will be available later today, or latest tomorrow. Can you list the methods you found needing to contain the @objc methods in the declaration, it will help to ensure we don't miss any. Thank you!

I made a quick PR #1248 adding @objcs. @emauro, please check if it meets the requirement :)

Thanks! I already checked and posted a comment.

Please find your fix in this release Material 3.1.5