
Using NavigationController in storyboard

SamboVisal opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi I really fascinated with this library. I just asked a question previously and it solved me perfectly.

Now i am coming up with another issue is that, when i created a viewController and then i embed it with navigationController which Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller and then i inherited with AppNavigationController class in order to get NavigationController as material design view.

But unfortunately for me i don't think that it works for me.
This is how my storyboard looks like

This is when i run the app and then i don't think that is working for me ;( Output

This is my AppNavigationController custom class

`class AppNavigationController: NavigationController {

open override func prepare() {
    isMotionEnabled = true
    motionNavigationTransitionType = .fade
    guard let v = navigationBar as? NavigationBar else {
    v.backgroundColor = .darkGray
    v.depthPreset = .depth5
    v.dividerColor = Color.grey.lighten2


Sorry if i ask much questions because i am not yet professional and i want to be a professional in one day.
Thank for your valuable help.

@SamboVisal Hey! Why did you close this? Did you solve your problem?