
[help wanted] Transition from TableView Cell Example

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first thanks to the truly cosmic mind Danial Dahan bringing such a wonderful collection of really helpful frameworks to the world!

As I don't manage it to successfully submit Stackowerflow questions (doh), I ask either for help or an extension of the Graph Search and/or the PresenterCard sample projects:

Could you please show an example of how to transition from a cell to another VC using

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
Or would a transition from a cell only be possible using a button? As the individually setup TableViews are their own delegates and don't know of e.g. a navigation controller/the push method and I don't know how to use the Material-normal transition method here, I'd be glad to find out via a code example how to achieve this.

Thanks and best wishes,


Ok, I'll answer the question on my own: at least one solution is the classic delegation way:

Assume you have a RootViewController wich uses a UserTableView for displaying search results (as in
From clicking on a result tableView cell you want to navigate to a newly created PersonDetailViewController.

Despite of being the UserTableView its own TableViewDelegate you shift this responsibility (and the extension to the RootViewController.

Then you can:

extension RootViewController: TableViewDelegate {
  func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat {
    return 80
  func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    navigationController?.pushViewController(PersonDetailViewController(), animated: true)

Remember to set

tableView.delegate = self

in the RootViewController and remove it from UserTableView!

Hey :), thank you for the support? Nice answer, and a correct one as well. Generally it takes at most a day for me to respond. I appreciate you sharing the answer on this issue :)

Hey Daniel,

what an honor receiving your kind reply here, thanks a bunch!

Nice answer, and a correct one as well.

Thanks for the hint moving delegation is the right approach.

I can imagine that for Material starters it could be useful to have more levels of navigation in the samples. E.g. every button, every cell could have a target.

The target could be the same final view, e.g. one with some "marketing" for Material and the other amazing CosmicMind frameworks ;)

You are 100% correct. I am working on a tool to bring more knowledge to everyone, starting with CosmicMind's frameworks. So please feel free to ask for any help and soon you will have more to learn from :)

That sounds fantastic!
Let's see when I have a question I can't answer by myself - thing is that most of the problems I can solve on my own using the samples which are generally pretty complete.